I'm in love with
the expression "awareness", it means so much but rarely used. I
deeply think that the world can be changed by us, the society can become strong
(stronger?) and the power, our power is infinite. I'm Hungarian and currently
live in a political environment which is quite worrisome: major attacks on the
basis of democracy encouraged people to go out to the streets and demonstrate.
Dozens of NGOs born in the last two years, thus several protests were
organized. They all invaded the international news, but the local ones remained
silent about these actions. I had to realize that the future is not about
political - opposition - parties (at least not in Hungary) -- but the civil
society can shape and form that. I don't want to deal with politics in this
blog, I don't want to be a politician anyways, but I do care about human
rights. This is why I launched this blog. I am going to tell what I do, how I
think my work helps the world to "become a better place".