Saturday, April 21, 2012

PFLAG in short

In case if you don't exactly know the abbreviation PFLAG: parents and friends of gay & lesbian. (Yepp, it lacks a couple of letters T, B, Q, whatever... but only in its name, to tell their defense.) It is a community with a couple hundred thousand members. Actually, it is not only a community but a non-profit organization. 

What do they do? As you may probably see in the picture, they celebrate the diversity since they envisioned a society in which dignity, civil and legal equality are all fundamental factors -- a society that embraces everyone, including those of diverse gender identities and sexual orientations. Celebrate, support, whatnot in order to create a safe world (yepp, safe!) in which young people can grow up and be educated with freedom from any form of discrimination, fear of violence.

Not surprisingly, PFLAG is quite popular in the US, whereas it is a relatively "new" thing in Europe, especially in Eastern Europe. However, the goal is (of course) to reach everyone in the world so that a society - that is first of all healthy, and second of all respectful towards human diversity - can really be formed.



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