Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Budapest Pride March is ON!!!

Pride march is on -- surprisingly... or NOT. Last Friday, the court of Budapest has reportedly overruled the police’s decision not to grant a license for this year's pride march. Hurrah, the right to assembly (as a fundamental right) is still acknowledged -- the court said and ensured that the police had no legal grounds on which to deny the application. I still can not believe that we (as organizers) had to undergo exactly the same procedure as last year (as the police tried to block the march in 2011 as well...)

What can I say? Nice try? No... it is such a shame that such things can happen (and does happen) in this country. The police argued that it would be impossible to maintain the free flow of traffic, however we all know that it is only about a political decision. Discrimination? Exactly. Are we going to take further actions? YES!! With the help of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, we are going to take further legal actions against the police department, you can read our press release about this (link here).

I do not think that this is a victory of the lgbtq community since it is a fundamental human right. A fundamental right that has to be acknowledged all the time. I want to live in a country in which a person or group is not treated unfavorably on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity... as you already know, I am "just" an anxious hetero citizen, but I have to admit that it is so hard to be gay in Hungary. (sorry for writing gay, I hate that expression...) You can say that I am an outsider, but I disagree. Not because I'm one of the organizers but because the violation of basic rights (to be free from discrimination) is what affects everyone... as an activist, I fight for equal treatment which definitely should be the basis of the society. This is what I believe in, this is the basic principle of my life -- I don't know if I can change the world but at least I can try.


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