Friday, March 2, 2012

Close The Gender Pay Gap!

So what is this about? What's this gap? The gender pay gap is the average difference between men's and women's hourly earnings. This gap reflects ongoing discrimination and inequalities in the labor market which, in practice, mainly affect women. Getting 17% less than you deserve? Women in Europe experience this everyday... so this day, the "pay gap day" is another opportunity to highlight the problem.

In addition, our Women's Group at the Amnesty International organizes an event for women's day (March 8) that will also emphasize the inequalities. According to our plan, we will sell cookies and their prices will be in direct proportion with the average salaries women and men receive for the same job. Thus, men will have to pay more for the same portion. This is our compensation. But, I am going to write about this project in a later post -- I mentioned here only as an introduction. 


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