Friday, March 16, 2012

March 15 - The National Protest Day

Since 2006, we know that whenever comes a national holiday in Hungary, demonstrations are to be held by then. Historia est magistra vitae... or, comes the Hungarian absurd: remembrance or re-experience?! -- rhetorical question since we never learn from our mistakes. One single post is definitely not enough to explain the chaos, but let's see what happened yesterday.

Same deficiencies, same demands for more than 150 years, isn't it grotesque?  

Here is the list: 12 points of the Milla (One Million for the Freedom of Press in Hungary Facebook group) -- or the national minimum any Hungarian political party must fulfill for our votes:

1. Free Press!

Modern media regulation based on self-regulatory principles, the restriction of the influence of party-oligarchies.
2. Freedom of Religion!

The parliament should not be the one to decide who gets ecclesiastical status, no more priviliged (’standard’) churches!
3. Popular representation!

Transparent party financing and a balanced electoral system!
4. Burden sharing!

Install a fair, progressive taxation system that helps the ones with a low income.
5. Responsible Social Politics!

Improve Health Care and Social Security instead of discriminating underprivileged groups and and enforcing a strict criminal law.
6. Independent judiciary!

Restore the prestige and independence of the judiciary system, the Constitutional Court and the ombudsman’s offices!
7. Democratic Lawmaking!

Ban rushed legislation, restrict the rules of preparing legislation!
8. Transparency!

Control the use of public funds, create a new lobby law, guarantee access to public information and publish the agent lists of the socialist regime!
9. A Correct World of Labor!

Strengthen worker’s rights and trade unions, restore the national level negotiations with trade unions and abolish the inequitable communal work!
10. Equal Opportunities!

Competitive public- and higher education and academic freedom based on the equality of opportunities, and the restoration of institutional autonomy!
11. Sustainable Development!

Conservation of natural resources for future generations, no exploitation of renewable resources in the economy!
12. A firm stand by the core values of the EU!

Foreign policies that serve our further European integration, calculable economic policies!

So what if we protest? What is the outcome? If there is any... Fight over the numbers -- the usual characteristics of these events. Since Milla exists, the local independent media tries to say less than realistic. However, press releases outside the country are authentic. Is this the world we live in? Definitely... Considering the consequences of turning against the federal systems that we are part of, the current situation is quite worrisome. Thus, not surprisingly, the country is all over the world news, everyone is writing about us... Yesterday, Krugman posted another blog entry (link here) about why Hungary matters: "we have a nation in the heart of Europe, a member of the EU, a nation that emerged from dictatorship, which is at the very least backsliding on democracy. This is terrible — and terribly important. If you can’t see this, there’s something very wrong with your priorities." Sometimes I think it is so disappointing that I have to follow the international media to get clear pieces of news.

So, going back to the main topic: It is 2012. Budapest was occupied by protesters from all over the world. 3 demonstrations within a radius of five kilometers... Let's see! I don't think I should write anything about the one organized by the nazys... so let's jump to the next: the leading political party paid for its Polish audience, nice. It is always good to see the useful investment from the taxpayer's money. It was even a pleasure to see that they want to have our beloved prime minister. Sounds a great deal, I think we would happily exchange him... actually I was thinking of Anna Grodzka, the transsexual women who has just taken her seat in the Polish parliament.

Lastly, besides thousands of worrying citizens, a group of foreign politicians also attended the Milla protest. During the whole event, I was chatting with the French representatives, candidates, members of the EU parliament. It was surprising (at least for me) that they knew exactly what is going on in Hungary -- I mean, they were even familiar with issues like Új Színház or Klubrádió... by the way, they are planning to organize a Roma Pride in Budapest some time in November (yes, I expressed my interest :)) and I already invited them to the next Milla protest (October 23rd).

Raise you voice in order to raise awareness. This is a fundamental tool used by the opposition at all times. Now comes the Hungarian nonsense methodology: you can not only withstand the system and protest against, but for the regime! ...just because it is a matter of popularity. What differs is the way how you plan to reach people. Though the Milla protests lack professionalism, thousands of people attend, donate money and trust the power of a civil society. The idea of civil control is a motivation in itself... engaged audience rocks, paid clappers suck. Sorry..


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